Emperor Louis Viromaro

Emperor Louis Viromaro, known as Louis The Party Prince in his youth, Louis The Builder, Louis The Despot (Only in Ardoragh) and later Louis The Warrior during his reign, and Louis The Unfortunate after his abdication, was the Emperor of the Kythiran Empire during the last three decades of the Fourth Era. The start of his reign was considered a golden age of Kythiran absolutism, during which House Viromaro gained incredible wealth through mass taxation, the then-six provinces were losing more and more of their sovereignty, and the imperial city of Helmira received her largest expansion ever.

At the end of his reign he was partially responsible for the Dervich Incident, the following Raggisar Revolution, and most importantly the Kythiran Invasion of Imperius, the failure of which led to the Reforma Carta, the end of Viromaro absolutism, the end of the Pax Minecraftia that kept the peace in Minecraftia since the late Third Era, and his forced abdication in favour of his daughter, Empress Theodosia Viromaro.
Louis Viromaro was born in Ardoragh, in the Skaði Palace, when his father, Emperor Alexander Viromaro was using the then brand new palace for his monthly hunting trip. His older brother Amantis Viromaro was born three years earlier in the same palace. They both grew up in Helmira, until he was seventeen, when he was send to study at the University of Ardoria where his brother was already attending his own education. During their studies Amantis met Freya Hjarta, a woman of low Ardoraghi nobility. They fell deeply in love, and after their studies were completed got married and stayed in Ardoragh.
Louis mean-whilst went back to Helmira after his studies, with a personal disdain for Ardoraghi life, which he considered as uncivilised and old fashioned, using Fort Winterhal as his private residence. Here he would throw lavish parties with many esteemed guests from across Minecraftia, including Duke Thomas Mace of Lotric, who was a personal friend of Louis and his best man at his royal wedding to Prisca Vinkhuys, the daughter of the then High-Lord of Attica, when he was 30 years old. Like his older brother, Louis too was married inside the White-Gold Tower's throne room.
Three years later their first child, daughter Theodosia Viromaro, was born. In total he and Prisca would have 4 children.
The reign of Emperor Louis Viromaro started when his father, Alexander The Peacemaker Viromaro, died in a hunting accident when Louis was 39 years of age. His older brother, Crown Prince Amantis, drowned on his way to the coronation. Tragedy struck again when the Imperius Reich used the chaos in the Empire to wipe out the rebellious Duchy of Lotric in the Lotrican Genocide. Although he tried to send aid to the Lotricans and Duke Mace, he struggled with the bureaucracy of not yet being crowned, and the unwillingness of the provinces to send aid fast enough.
Following his coronation, he immediately fired Grand Chancellor Von Reventrad, who had served under his father, and initiated policies that focused on expanding the powers of the Crown, whilst repealing laws and decrees of his father that gave more independence to the Six Provinces. In order to fund his ambitious goals he increased taxes on the provinces ten-fold, draining their coffers. With the incredible wealth this gave him he ordered the renovations and expansions of the imperial city of Helmira, the largest construction project in history, even needing to hire labourers, craftsmen and architects from Imperius to make sure the project met his tight deadlines.
He also ordered the construction of the Sanssouci Palace in Attica, one of the most lavish and expensive palaces of Minecraftia, but only visited it three times.
The elderly High-Lord of Ardoragh tried but failed to return the autonomy of his province, much to the displeasure of his eldest son, Lord Whazajottom IlIlIIlllI Von Roterstein. When the latter became High-Lord at age 35, when Louis was 55, after the retirement of his father, the leaders instantly clashed. When the High-Lord began demanding a return of his province' autonomy and a lower tax rate, the Emperor refused. In response to this, the Ardoraghi ruler began to close down border crossings and pay smugglers and pirates to evade the harsh Kythiran taxes. Because of this, the Emperor began to look for a potential House to replace the Von Rotersteiners as High-Lords of Ardoragh. When he learned that the Ardoraghi court had made all religions legal within Ardoragh's borders, going against Louis' Holy Cee Doctrine, the Emperor instead had the Ministry of the Interior draw up plans for a separation of Ardoragh into two separate, smaller provinces.
Before these plans could come to fruition however, the Emperor's attention was occupied by trouble in the east. The Dervich Incident led to the start of the Raggisar Revolution, which Louis saw as the opportunity to finally conquer Imperius and make all of Minecraftia a single state, leading to the Kythiran Invasion of Imperius.
Revolution, War & Reforms
The Kythiran Invasion of Imperius at the beginning was lauded as a great success, as the Kythirans successfully captured cities that had been part of the Reich since its inception, such as Dorwall and Chesterfield. However, when the warring parties of the revolution, that had devolved into a full civil war, began to unite their forces against the Kythirans, their quick march towards victory dragged to a standstill. A massive assault on Imperia was unsuccessful in capturing the Imperius' capital, partially because Louis insisted that a large part of the Kythiran forces would travel south, to capture and free the ruins of the Duchy of Lotric, 20 years after the genocide. Refusing to listen to the advise of his generals and admirals, he continued to plunge the forces into several failed attacks, until the Imperius forces eventually started to push the Kythirans back towards the Narrow Sea.
During this time, Louis spend almost all his waking and sleeping hours in the White-Gold Tower, going over battle plans, writing to the High-Lords to demand more soldiers, ships, weapons and Florynts, whilst also trying to continue the rule the fracturing Empire.
After a visit to her husband in the Tower, the Empress Prisca Viromaro took a carriage with the curtains down, to keep out the summer heat, to the Royal Helmsdeep Theatre Society to enjoy the premiere of a new opera about the Kythiran victories during the war. Goran Prodan, an Ardoraghi-Nationalist born and raised in a communal farm in southern Ardoragh, threw a bomb into the carriage. Unable to see the occupants, he assumed that the Emperor would be on board. The Empress died on the square in front of the Arch of Unity. Goran was arrested by royal guards, and executed by public drowning in the Bay of Splendour. According to members of staff, the Emperor had a telescope installed in the imperial appartement of the Tower so he could observe it personally.
Emperor Louis became despondent after the death of Empress Prisca. Gone were the days of his larger than life personality and personal extravagance. He locked himself in his office in the top of the White-Gold Tower, refusing to let any of his staff or family even enter the imperial appartement. This did give the Kythirans a short series of successes in the war, for it gave the supreme command of the armies back to the Grand Marshal and the Grand Admiral, who were now able to lead a series of tactical retreats, in order to regroup for a final attempt at taking Imperia.
Crown Prince Charles and Princess Theodosia were send back to Helmira. The princess was moved into the Villa Altojardin under strict protection by the Imperial Guard. Charles took over the government in the form of regent-prince.
During the last decisive Battle for Imperia, desperately needed Ardoraghi reinforcements never arrived, resulting in the loss of the battle. This total loss of morale resulted in several mutinies across the Kythiran armies, as well as protests in the Empire itself once the news broke.
The Grand Marshal and the Grand Admiral both met up in Chesterfield, where they decided to send an envoy to Imperia in order to offer a truce in order to eventually move towards a peace treaty. In this they did not involve the Emperor, who still was not allowing anyone to meet with him, or the prince-regent, whom they deemed to be to determinate to win the war by force.
to sign a peace treaty on the H.M.S. Eastera. Following this peace treaty, the civil war in Imperius continued, until the eventual success of the revolutionaries and the declaration of the Raggisar Republic.
In Helmira, meanwhile, the Crown was in a desperate position, where it need to pay for the rebuilding of her armies and navies, as well as pay reparations to the new Republic. To get this money, the Crown borrowed heavily from the Mercenary Bank, whilst also demanding large sums of extra tribute from her provinces.
Using the opportunity, the leaders of Ardoragh, Attica and Alcanzar, the largest provinces of the Empire, banned together and presented the Grand Chancellor with the Reforma Carta, a set of demands and reforms, in exchange for which they would help finance the Crown's rebuilding and reparations.
Knowing that the alternative would be a civil war that would be extremely hard for the Crown to win, the Emperor conceded with all demands, and together with the Grand Marshal and all the High-Lords signed the Reforma Carta into law. The last demand of the Reforma Carta was that Emperor Louis abdicated in favour of his first born child, which he did the very next day.
Because Louis had expected to make his oldest son, Charles Viromaro, who was two years younger than Theodosia, heir to the Empire, the former had been trained since he could walk to become the next ruler. Crown Prince Charles had served during the Kythiran Invasion as a general in the invading armies, and was well known as a Viromaro absolutist who even challenged the Ardoraghi High-Lord to a duel, but fearing that the crown prince might cheat, the Ardoraghi High-Lord never responded to this challenge.
Specifically because of this, the Reforma Carta demanded to make the oldest child the heir, forgoing the classical agnatic primogeniture that was the standard in the Empire up until the Carta, in order to increase their chances of moulding the new Empress into a more lenient figure.
After his abdication Louis left Helmira and public life for good. For a few months he lived in the tiny Villa Isla de Peligro. When this was attacked by local villagers, he requested a new residence more befitting of his status. Empress Theodosia granted this, and he was moved to the grander Sanssouci Palace. His memoirs "Treason Within", where he blamed House Von Dragestein and the iniators of the Reforma Carta for the failure of the Grand War famously flopped.