Emperor Louis Viromaro

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Revision as of 22:26, 25 January 2024 by Coetzeeclan (talk | contribs)
Official coronation portrait of Emperor Louis Viromaro, age 39.

Emperor Louis Viromaro, known as Louis The builder and later Louis The Warrior during his reign, and Louis The Unfortunate after his abdication, was the Emperor of the Kythiran Empire during the last two decades of the Fourth Era. The start of his reign was considered a golden age of Kythiran absolutism, during which House Viromaro gained incredible wealth through mass taxation, the then-six provinces were losing more and more of their sovereignty, and the imperial city of Helmira received her largest expansion ever. At the end of his reign he was partially responsible for the Dervich Incident, the following Raggisar Revolution, and most importantly the Kythiran Invasion of Imperius, the failure of which led to the Reforma Carta, the end of Viromaro absolutism and his forced abdication in favour of his daughter, Empress Theodosia Viromaro.