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The Florynt is the global currency used across all of Minecraftia since the establishment of the Mercenary Bank during the Third Era.

The Florynt (ƒ) and its value

The Florynt (ƒ) is the globally recognised currency in Minecraftia. It is printed exclusively by the Mercenary Bank, and most of the world's Florynts are stored safe within the Bank's secret vault, hidden somewhere in Minecraftia. In order to prevent inflation, only a finite amount of Florynts were ever pressed, exactly 7 billion.

In general, 1 Florynt is enough to buy a loaf of bread, with 5 Florynts generally being able to pay for a night in most inns. 12,500 Florynts is enough to buy an average middle class single family homes in a modest city. The average annual income of a working middle class family is 17,500 Florynts before taxes. Meanwhile, an upper middle class townhouse in a city like Helmira would cost around 95,000 Florynts. Palaces or castles are much more expensive. For instance, Radenór Castle, the summer residence for the Kings of Ardoragh, was estimated to have cost around 2,2 million Florynts to construct. House Viromaro paid around 4 million Florynts for their hunting lodge in western Ardoragh. As another example, the Mediori Fleet, with her 62 ships, cost the Kythiran crown around 18 million Florynts to construct, at around 290,000 Florynts per ship, not including the docks.

The White Gold Tower, although priceless due to its historical value, cost around 158 million Florynts to erect, and is the most expensive building ever constructed in Minecraftia. The Kythiran Invasion of Imperius, although relatively brief, still devastated the Kythiran economy, costing the crown upwards of 840 million Florynts, plunging the Empire into economic turmoil which ultimately resulted in the Reforma Carta, which effectively ended the absolute monarchy, reforming it into a constitutional one.