Duchy of Lotric

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The Duchy of Lotric was a powerful land during the Third Era, ruled by the Ancient House Mace. It was situated in the Imperius Reich.


The Duchy of Lotric began as House Mace, an Ancient House who had been allies with House Von Dragestein since the First Era and who together had survived the Dark Ages in Dragonhold. After the founding of the Imperius Reich, House Mace was one of the leading forces of the Unific Order. His expansionism and explorations took him and his armies across Minecraftia, being the first settlers in much of Alcanzar, ignoring the 1150-Line, and accidentally marching into the Kythiran Riverlands, creating a minor monument that still stands today. Ultimately, he laid claim to a massive area of land, filled with towns and a grand city. This area was soon christened Lotric, and he was formally named Duke of Lotric by Kaiser Von Dragestein.


House Mace has had conflict with House Von Roterstein since at least the Second Era. This did not cease during the Third Era, and it often led to minor skirmishes between the two Empires. However, cracks also began to appear between the friendships of House Von Dragestein and House Mace. The Duke often felt deserving of more autonomy, coincidentally mirroring the relations on the western side of the Narrow Sea between the ruling House Viromaro and the High-Lord Von Roterstein. Although the kaiser did not approve of his vassal's ambitions, he was still much beloved by his people, especially for his actions in service of the Unific Order, and so the kaiser allowed him to maintain his powerful position, with his own fleet, army, and massive castle with one of the world's largest throne rooms.

Fall of the Duchy

Despite the Treaty of the King's Keep having been signed between Imperius and Kythira, the two empires did not trust each-other during the tumultuous Third and Fourth Era. This resulted in numerous forts and bunkers turning up all over the nations coastlines at the Narrow Sea, and the Battle of the Narrow Strait.

The threat of global war, and the fact that the Kythiran Empire had the largest fleet in the world at that time, caused Imperius to secretly begin a massive armaments program, with a massive fleet being hidden deep into the sea near Lotric.

Prince Mace figured this knowledge would be useful in forging an alliance with House Viromaro, and with the help of the Kythirans could help bring about an independent Lotrican Kingdom. So, he sent out a secret attachment to Helmira, a great gift of a most splendid painting. However, the messengers had a warning to accompany it.

“There are times of war coming. Imperius is building a great fleet.”

Caught totally off-guard by this revelation, for none of their own spies had known about the secret fleet, the Kythiran Crown gladly offered the aid Lotric, and began spending massive amounts of Florynts into building a new, larger fleet with accompanying harbour. This massive effort ultimately formed the Mediori Fleet.

Learning of the betrayal,