Grand Chancellor Lord Von Reventrad

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Revision as of 01:38, 20 September 2024 by Coetzeeclan (talk | contribs)
Lord Von Reventrad after retiring

Gregor Carl Von Reventrad, Lord of Nogrollond, was one of the Kythiran Empire's longest serving Grand Chancellors. A minor Ardoraghi noble, he travelled to Helmira to work in the Imperial Palace under Emperor Alexander. Here he became known as a highly intelligent, hard working and loyal servant of state. Due to his excellent work record, he was, after nine years, named Grand Chancellor of the Kythiran Empire, a role he would serve for 31 years, until the death of Emperor Alexander Viromaro. After he was fired by Emperor Louis Viromaro following the Chaos of the Coronation, he continued to live in a small mansion in Helmira, where he would eventually die of natural causes 7 years later.