House Bronzeherz

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Revision as of 15:13, 5 August 2024 by Coetzeeclan (talk | contribs)

House Bronzeherz is an Ancient House, which reached its pinnacle during the Second Era under Grand Duke Ramon Bronzeherz of Redstonia. The current patriarch of the family is Lord Maximilian Bronzeherz, who is a carpenter. The family lives in a small house in the outskirts of Helmira.


House Bronzeherz began, as most Ancient Houses, as Overlords in Attica during the First Era. Their ancient family home, one of the largest of that time, standing on an island in Oldspawn, still exists, although it has not been owned by the family for centuries.

When Lord Von Roterstein decided to journey east to escape the Raids on the Riverlands, he joined forces with Lord Bronzeherz in this endevour. They settled in the Peninsula of Peril, and together began work on what would emerge as the Kingdom of Redstonia. Lord Von Roterstein crowned himself King, whilst Bronzeherz as second-in-command received the title of Grand Duke of Redstonia.

During the Great Grief Grand Duke Ramon was slain in battle, leaving behind his three sons and wife in Redstonia. As the King of Redstonia, Von Roterstein, decided to abandon his kingdom to trek westwards, the oldest son, Albert Bronzeherz, decided they would stay in Redstonia with their ailing mother. King Von Roterstein took with him the majority of the remains of the Redstonian army, most of the citizens, all of the Redstonian cannons and the entire treasury. They did however leave Albert and his followers plenty of cake to last a few months.

It was for naught however. Soon after the Rotersteiners left the widow of Ramon died, and Albert and his brothers had to defend the city against a hoard of savages who soon began to besiege the city.