Prince Charles Viromaro

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Crown Prince Charles Viromaro

Prince Charles Viromaro is a Pretender to the Kythiran Throne living in exile in the Republic of Aqumis. Once the Crown Prince of the Kythiran Empire, he was superseded by his sister Theodosia Viromaro due to the Reforma Carta.


Prince Charles Viromaro, formerly Crown Prince Charles Viromaro, was the heir-apparent during the late Fourth Era. He is the second child and firstborn male heir of Emperor Louis Viromaro and Empress Prisca Viromaro. He studied History at the Imperial University of Helmira.

Crown Prince, Admiral, Prince-Regent

During the Kythiran Invasion of Imperius, he served in the Kythiran Imperial Navy as an Admiral, where he commanded the Second Attican Fleet, and was present during both the Battle of the Northern Sea and the Liberation of Lotric. When he learned of High-Lord Von Roterstein's failure to deliver troops for the war efforts, he challenged him to a duel, but the High-Lord either never received the letter or chose to ignore it.

After the death of his mother, Empress Prisca, he returned to Helmira, taking the role of Prince Regent as his father became increasingly isolated.

Loss of power

After the end of the war, the High-Lords of the Big Three conspired against the crown and forced the Emperor to sign the Reforma Carta, he also had to resign in favor of his daughter, Charles' older sister Theodosia Viromaro. Charles tried to fight against the Reforma Carta, but both his father and the Grand Chancellor decided it had to be signed to prevent a civil war.

Rather than surrendering his power, Charles decided to escape the Empire and go into self-imposed exile in the Republic of Aqumis as a Pretender to the Kythiran Throne. Still an Admiral of the Second Attican Fleet, he ordered a dozen ships to sail towards the Viromaro palace of Sanssouci. Here around 10% of the Viromaro family gold was stored. Filling his ships with as much gold as possible, he sailed back south towards Aqumis, having stolen a fortune estimated at 19.3 million Florynts. On the way back a portion of his fleet deserted him. Most of them returned back to Helmira, surrendering 9 million Florynts back to the Crown in exchange for amnesty. One ship sailed off to an unknown destination, carrying around 1 million Florynts. By the time Charles arrived in Aqumis he had a fortune of 9.3 million Florynts left.

Due to his actions at Sanssouci he was formally exiled from the Empire by the Crown.