Prince Charles Viromaro

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Crown Prince Charles Viromaro

Prince Charles Viromaro, formerly Crown Prince Charles Viromaro, was the heir-apparent during the late Fourth Era. He is the second child and firstborn male heir of Emperor Louis Viromaro and Empress Prisca Viromaro. He studied History at the Imperial University of Helmira. During the Kythiran Invasion of Imperius, he served in the Kythiran Imperial Navy as an Admiral, where he commanded the Second Attican Fleet, and was present during both the Battle of the Northern Sea and the Liberation of Lotric. When he learned of High-Lord Von Roterstein's failure to deliver troops for the war efforts, he challenged him to a duel, but the High-Lord either never received the letter or chose to ignore it.

After the war he returned to Helmira, where he continued to do his duties as the Crown-Prince, often working late in the White Gold Tower, serving almost as a regent for his father, Louis, at times.

Due to the Reforma Carta, not long after the war, he lost his powerful position. His father, Emperor Louis Viromaro was forced to abdicate in favour of his daughter, Charles' older sister Theodosia Viromaro, the current Empress of the Kythiran Empire.