The Domumfortis Castle

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Revision as of 18:36, 26 June 2020 by Coetzeeclan (talk | contribs)

The Domumfortis Castle is a massive unfinished fortress towering over Helmira.


The Domumfortis Castle was planned by Emperor Viromaro to become the largest castle in Minecraftian history. It was supposed to protect the city of Helmira and her population against any and all foes. However budget constraints soon started to plague the construction efforts, and the project grinded to a halt.

Current State

Today the Domumfortis Castle towers above the City of Helmira and the Bay of Splendour, albeit in an uninhabitable and unfinished state. Former architects have stated that the complex is currently less than 5% finished. According to some sources the Viromaro royal family is currently considering selling the complex, which sits at a prime location within the Imperial City, to anyone who is capable of developing it further.