The Viromaro Foundation
The Viromaro Foundation is the largest charity organisation in Minecraftia. It was founded during the Fifth Era by Empress Theodosia Viromaro, with three primary goals.
- Providing aid to victims and veterans of the Grand War
- Provide protection for Minecraftian natural and cultural heritage
- Finance and support education, such as the Kythiran universities
To provide the foundation to ability to support her goals, Empress Theodosia pledged 100 million Florynts from the Viromaro fortune to be given to the Foundation, making it by far the largest organisation of its kind. The Hjarta Foundation currently manages 15 million Florynts.
Prince Charles Viromaro, who currently lives in exile in the Aqumis Republic, publicly decried the formation of the Foundation, stating that the Empress, his old older sister, is not the rightful heir to the Kythiran throne, and therefore has no right to give away over half of the Viromaro fortune. Prince Charles, who has been formally exiled and stripped of his Kythiran citizenship after refusing to sign the Reforma Carta and escaping to Aqumis with 19 million Florynts in stolen gold, styles himself as Emperor Charles IV Viromaro and often protests his sister's anti-slavery rhetoric and the greater autonomy she has given the new Kythiran kingdoms.