Massacre at Summerhal

From Minecraftia Wiki

The Massacre at Summerhal was a turning point in the Alcanzar Slave Rebellion of the Fourth Era. It resulted in the death of the Emperor Charles II Viromaro, as well as Grand Chancellor Marquess Bernard Montclair.


During the early Fourth Era, a slave rebellion spread across mainland Alcanzar, after a similar rebellion managed to successfully form a free republic in the Alcanzari island colonies of Aqumis months earlier. The Alcanzari forces, quickly overwhelmed due to their small numbers, requested the aid of the White Gold Tower. The young Emperor Charles II Viromaro saw this as his only opportunity to see and lead in war like his ancestors of the Third Era. He organized a number of battalions of the Imperial Legion, and marched into Alcanzar. After a few weeks of relative succes and securing the capital of Solleria, the Emperor decided to host a small feast for the High-Lord of Alcanzar, Fernando Vinkhuys, in the Viromaro summer palace of Summerhal, a short distance outside of Solleria, with lush forests for hunting to the east, and overlooking the Cape of Sol to the west. Here, they would celebrate the previous victories, discuss upcoming battles and how to ensure such a rebellion would not occur again. Having pushed the fight deep into southern Alcanzar, Emperor Charles II considered the palace safe.

The Massacre

As the evening continued, the formal discussions and battle plans ended, wine and imported Ardoraghi honey flowed freely, and the soiree became more a regular party. The officers mingled in the gardens, whilst the Emperor danced with his mistress in the great hall. High-Lord Vinkhuys went to his room to privately discuss matters with Grand Chancellor Marquess Bernard Montclair, whilst he send his wife back to Castle Verona, overlooking Solleria.

As the party continued, some offers allowed the handful of Imperial Royal Guards to indulge in the fine wines as well, until almost everyone in the palace was intoxicated. A cache of fireworks were discovered in the attic of the palace, and from the city walls of Solleria guards could see the sky light up in bright colors.

The rebels had learned of the celebrations through an intercepted convoy of luxurious foods and drinks destined for the palace. A battalion of rebels, consisting mostly of freed slaves, had volunteered to help storm the palace, take out the enemy leadership and escape where possible. They used the lush forests that surrounded most of the palace to conceal their encroachment, until they reached the outer gate. Guarded by only two royal guards, these were quickly dispatched, and the armed group of rebels were able to storm into the palace without much opposition from her drunk occupiers. The Emperor and a handful of his officers tried to fight off the attack in the grand hall, but were quickly cut down. As the fighting continued in the garden, the High-Lord and the Grand Chancellor heard the commotion downstairs. The Grand Chancellor grabbed his sword and ran out of the room, but his scream down the hallway confirmed to the High-Lord that the attackers had the upper hand. He barricaded the room, and broke the large window overlooking the bay. He took off the majority of his heavy uniform, and jumped out into the Cape of Sol. The dark night covering his escape as he swam towards Solleria.

Whilst he swam towards Solleria, the night sky was lit up by a bright, red orange hue. Behind him, the rebels had set fire to the palace, and her wooden interior ensured that the flames spread quickly across the entire fortress. When city guards and firemen from Solleria arrived at the palace, there were no living souls left. The rebels had successfully managed to retreat back to the south. After an hour of swimming the High-Lord finally washed ashore near the walls of Solleria, exhausted, wounded, but alive. As dawn broke, the firemen managed to extinguish the flames, but although the outer walls still stood, the interior of the palace was completely destroyed.
