Castle Fuertera

From Minecraftia Wiki

Castle Fuertera is the family stronghold of House Viromaro, located in northern Alcanzar, near the city of Marsadini. When it was constructed during the early Third Era it was the largest castle in Minecraftia's history.

Surrounded by a large lava moat, it consists of two parts: In the mountain itself sit the state rooms, such as a giant ballroom with throne and a carpet in the Emperor's likeness. The ballroom itself is extremely similar to a now lost Imperius palace. An early Third Era style Imperius house was also imported from the Reich and put on display within the underground rooms. The castle on top of the mountain house the residential quarters for the royal family.

The Headquarters of the Imperial Legion, Bear Island, is located near Castle Fuertera, to aid in the Emperor's protection should he retreat to his fortress.

The castle has been used very sparingly by Emperor Viromaro, who prefers to live in Helmira.